Monday, February 15, 2010

CPFA/Billionare/Video: In the Beginning

Hello Wonderful People,

Here is our blog/forum for discussing ideas and planning the CPFA/Billionaire Video! The idea behind this blog is to brainstorm ideas for our video, while also collecting comments so these ideas can be fully developed.

As CPFA Communications Director, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Denise Munro Robb for responding to our online request for assistance . . . and further to thank Denise for putting us in touch with the original "billionairemeister" Clifford J. Tasner, who has graciously signed on to help facilitate this project.

It is my understanding that Denise is a stand-up comedienne, who in spite of being in the throes of writing her dissertation (while teaching as an adjunct to support herself), is willing to help us; and that Clifford has been involved with the "billionaire" project for over 10 years. Clifford also writes melody and lyrics for use in these productions.

I must share that the idea for a similar CPFA project was engendered over 5 years ago, and a dear friend and filmmaker agreed to assist CA part-time faculty (all at his own expense). He met with me over the course of a year and we had a plan of action in place . . . just before he discovered inoperable cancer and quickly passed away. If there is any small way we can acknowledge my friend John Stanley in our film credits, I would deeply appreciate that consideration.

At any rate, my plan is to allow all participants the ability to make original posts and to comment. If anyone has any problems doing so, please let me know . . . and again, CPFA offers each of you our deepest gratitude for your assistance.

Pamela Hanford
CPFA Communications Director


  1. Oh Pamela, I'm so deeply sorry to hear about your friend's passing. Let's remember to add him when the video is edited. I have no idea how to do this but I'm sure we can find someone to help us with that once we have something on tape.

  2. Cliff asked if we could send him some information about the plight of the part-timer so that he can write lyrics for songs. He already has public use music (such as Battle Hymn of the Republic) recorded and can write songs to fit the occasion.

    I'm sure others will add to this but so far these seem to me to be the most pertinent issues (as we discussed on the phone today):

    Here in California 50-75% of all our community college faculty are adjuncts. I don't know if it's the same for Cal State or UCs (someone here may know)? But we:

    receive about 1/4 of the pay of a full-time instructor
    we have no offices and hence no office hours
    we never know if we will be hired or rehired so we can't even expect to make a regular living

    we regularly go on unemployment and use that to protect us when there are no slots for the quarter/semester

    we have no health, eye or dental benefits

    our retirement is spotty and is in different pots of money for different schools so we can't amass much

    we also cannot amass much money for retirement as we don't make much. For example, as an adjunct in Los Angeles County I've been making approximately $300-$400 a week. It is difficult to pay a house payment, school loans, etc. on this sum. I am lucky enough to be married to a full-time instructor but it would be nice if I didn't have to rely on his income, especially as we plan to start a family soon and will have trouble with just his salary. I also would like to have my own insurance. But I realize I am better off than my single and divorced colleagues, some of whom have been adjuncts for 15 or 20 years!

    We are promoting a bill to give us rehire rights if we receive positive evaluations. That is in the assembly now I believe...

    okay that's all for now. Everyone please add things that I may have forgotten.



  3. I want to thank Pamela, Denise and Clifford for stepping forward to consider this projectand I'm sure other pters within the community college system will agree!

    As I mention before, I'm not a person of artistic ability or an accomplished comedian...but when I see/hear good comedy or satire, I greatly appreciate the work behind it!

    I don't know what I can add here... Please feel free to use any materials from website, if you have not this yet, for generating ideas, etc.

    I look forward to hearing more on this.

  4. A newbie to this format, although I am, in principle familiar with it and more importantly, understand the potential reach of this form of communication. I am moderately good with words and ideas and will write a scene or two...maybe even act...if needed! Have just had a there a place for the "freeway flyer" in this video production? Now that I can get access to this blog, will try to post regularly. RBY
